Nohl shared this fantastic site with us – all about celebrating and connecting women in the Gulf Cooperative Countries
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See below to learn more about the Women’s GCC Initiative (from their site):
We are a social and professional initiative that facilitates camaraderie, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and success among women connected to the GCC countries. We emphasize the social importance of women leaders in all walks of life—whether at home, in the community or in the workplace.
Women’s GCC Initiative aims to:
- Foster the exchange of ideas, talent and support among women connected to the GCC countries.
- Facilitate an environment where women leaders can interact, gain inspiration, and build from their shared experiences.
- Contribute to the positive understanding of what it means to be a leader in careers and industries still dominated by men.
- Build alliances and understanding among women from culturally and socially diverse backgrounds.
Why We Started
This site was inspired by discussions encountered over the years between women from the Arab Peninsula and women based in the Americas and Europe—great discussions that would occur at conferences, casual exchanges, and chance encounters. It is a collaborative initiative begun by women in these regions. We invite you to become a part of it too.
Though from diverse backgrounds, these women recognized striking similarities in some of their shared challenges: the balance of work and home, navigating relationships, the stereotypes and expectations placed on women simply for being a woman in the workplace, the weight of responsibility of being the first woman in that company’s position, the awesome responsibility of being a good role model and community member. They shared, discovered, laughed and surprised each other. They learned and gained inspiration from each other’s careers and life experiences.
Many of the connections forged ultimately led to business projects, books, friendships and much more. Officially founded in 2009, Women’s GCC Initiative was inspired by these connections and the countless success stories born from them.