Victoria Falls Bungee Jump
Global Adventuress took the bungee jump challenge and plunged over one of the World’s Seven Wonders – the Victoria Falls, into 365 feet of African Air! Victoria Falls Bungee offers a variety of high-adventure activities including a bridge swing, a bridge slide, and a bungee jump, and call this the “Big Air Experience”.
Here’s a description of all three adventures:
Bungee Jump: Victoria Falls Bridge is between the Zambia and Zimbabwe border posts, and the bungee jump station is in the middle of the bridge, known as “no man’s land”. Most every adrenaline junkie who visits Victoria Falls signs up for the bungee jump, one of the dare-devil adventures of the “Big Air Challenge”.
I’m not an extreme sports type, but heard this was a “must try” adventure. This was my first bungee jump, and probably last, but I’m glad I did it. There’s no other thrill like it in the world that I’ve experienced yet. After getting geared up and receiving instructions from a “Jump Master”, you move to the edge, with arms out. When you hear a countdown of 5-4-3-2-1, you BUNGEE from the platform, and plummet towards the croc infested waters of the Zambezi River. Pure adrenaline flows through your body!
Go Pro, www.GoPro.com, geared us up and you can see watch 3 views at of this bungee jump at: http://www.youtube.com/GlobalAdventuress
Bridge Swing:
You can take a leap of faith and freefall for over 200 feet, then fly out over the rapids of the Zambezi in a huge arc with the waterfalls nearby – another thrill!
Bridge Slide:
This is one of the milder adventures where you slide across the Batoka Gorge from the Zambian side, and land on the Victoria Falls Bridge. Spectacular views of the Zambezi River, the Batoka Gorge and the Victoria Falls!
Book reservations at: info@victoriafallsbungee.com or visit their website.
Global Adventuress Chief Explorer with Garth Fowler, General Manager of Victoria Falls Bungee
Acknowledgements: thank you to Victoria Falls Bungee, www.victoriafallsbungee.com for hosting our bungee jump, and GoPro, www.gopro.com for providing us with a GoPro3 to record three different views of this jump.