Rugged, wild, pristine, soulful, vast are a few words to describe the "home" we all came from - Namibia. According to scientists, recent DNA studies confirm that our ancestors…
Adventure on a Botswana Safari It was our first time on a walking safari in Africa. Our adventures in the Botswana bush included an elephant chasing us, a…
Book Recommendation: Arid Eden: A Personal Account of Conservation in the Kaokoveld Garth Owen-Smith has spent almost his entire working life fighting – not against a conventional enemy…
“Make your footprint count.” he said with conviction. We were a caravan of Land Rovers driving back from a week-long desert safari visiting conservancies in the Kaokoveld region…
Flip Stander Namibia Lion Tracker We were in the middle of the desert, driving through a dry river bed of Hoanib Valley, located in the remote Kaokoveld of northwestern Namibia.…