“After living in the dark for so long, a glimpse of the light can make you giddy.”– Jennifer Aniston, The Good Girl
I am a long time Jennifer Aniston fan, especially because she loves yoga. I like that we share this sameness. And to be honest I was drawn to this movie originally because of the title. I felt the impact of being a “good girl” and doing everything right. I also love ritual. I really loved going to church and experiencing the sameness there each Sunday. But yoga teaches that habit (mental, emotional, physical) is not the healthiest state of being. We need some sameness, like a sun salutation or half salutation but we also need Difference. It reminds us of what is possible.
The problem about sameness is that we can easily convince ourselves that if we do everything “right” if we are good girls and boys then life will always remain stable. This gives us a false sense of security. And quite frankly forcing
ourselves to do things the same everyday, even our yoga, is exhausting! It consumes our energy. Going on a personal retreat is for me the easiest way to go beyond the ordinary routine. We break free of repeating the way we lived yesterday, last week, last month. On retreat you are in a different ecology, your connectivity to technology is usually not the same as at home, what you eat and do is extraordinary. The conversations you have with others are not a repetition of the same language you use at home with your local tribe. There is a newness even in the ordinariness of your personal beauty routine. Retreat allows you to do your best yoga. The yoga that teaches it is possible to break the bonds of suffering in this lifetime and choose happiness and peace in every day. Physicist Max Planck, said “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”That is what a yoga retreat offers you. You change the ordinary habits and all of
sudden you see yourself, your potential, your life in a whole new way.
ourselves to do things the same everyday, even our yoga, is exhausting! It consumes our energy. Going on a personal retreat is for me the easiest way to go beyond the ordinary routine. We break free of repeating the way we lived yesterday, last week, last month. On retreat you are in a different ecology, your connectivity to technology is usually not the same as at home, what you eat and do is extraordinary. The conversations you have with others are not a repetition of the same language you use at home with your local tribe. There is a newness even in the ordinariness of your personal beauty routine. Retreat allows you to do your best yoga. The yoga that teaches it is possible to break the bonds of suffering in this lifetime and choose happiness and peace in every day. Physicist Max Planck, said “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”That is what a yoga retreat offers you. You change the ordinary habits and all of
sudden you see yourself, your potential, your life in a whole new way.
Join us and celebrate the differences, diversity and possibilities the world has to offer you. It is remarkable what changes you can make when you allow yourself to find the courage to go beyond the ordinary!
Love yourself, love your day, love your life,
Peacefully sent: may you be happy, healthy, peaceful and loved