Honor a Woman Today! Wall of Women

SAM has made it possible for you to honor  important women in your life,

click here to honor a woman today!

You may view your recognition virtually at seattleartmuseum.org/wallofwomen.

Be a Part of the Wall of Women!

Join SAM’s celebration by making a gift to honor a woman who has inspired you.

Your contribution will be acknowledged here on the Wall of Women—a special tribute to the women who have shaped our lives and our community.  Make your gift before October 26 and your dedication will also be included on the physical Wall of Women- a monumental recognition wall in Brotman Forum at SAM Downtown.

Every gift counts!  Donations at any level will be recognized on the Wall of Women.   You can donate $5 on up.  Special benefits start at $50 and in appreciation of your gift of $150 or more, you and a guest will be invited to a special event on November 13 when the Wall of Women will be unveiled at the Seattle Art Museum.

Click here to honor a woman:  https://tickets.seattleartmuseum.org/public/wallofwomen.asp


Global Adventuress is a Community Partner with the Seattle Art Museum, Elles: Women Artists from the Centre Pompidou, Paris a landmark exhibition of more than 130 works of art made by 75 women artists from 1907 to 2007. 

In honor of this exhibit, Global Adventuress is featuring women who have dared to pick up the brush, camera, pen, and have been inspired by the places they’ve lived, traveled to, and how they have inspired others from afar.  To Read the Global Adventuress SAM Elles Jubilation Series, click here –