Empowering Women: Artisan Cooperatives That Transform Communities
June 12, 2013 – Oct. 27, 2013
One Moroccan artist teaches a village of women to read. An embroiderer from India takes out her first loan. A Hutu woman from war-torn Rwanda works with a Tutsi to make “peace” baskets.
Empowering Women: Artisan Cooperatives that Transform Communities provides an intimate view of the work of ten women-run artisan cooperatives from across the world, featuring artists’ personal stories and stunning examples of the cooperatives’ handmade traditional arts.
Each co-op has a different motivation: preserving a weaving tradition, sustaining the environment, providing a safe haven from violence. Each object represents the power of women working together to transform lives.
Join the Burke to discover how the intersection of art, commerce, and culture is changing communities across the globe—and in our own backyard.
For more details, visit: http://www.burkemuseum.org/empowering
This exhibition has been organized by the Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM